


入口过道地面是一个的动态呈现,墙体采用雾面不锈钢,营造出虚幻迷离的视觉感官。The floor of the entrance corridor is a dynamic presentation, and the wall is made of stainless steel with fog surface to create a virtual and blurred visual sense.


▼入口过道营造出虚幻迷离的视觉感官.the entrance aisle creates an illusory and blurred visual sense

通过过道后来到了酒吧的大厅区域,空间被霓虹灯染成蓝色世界。酒吧分两个区域,大厅区域时尚年轻,卡座区域商务大气。空间上我们运用大量模糊反射的装饰材料和波光粼粼的效果,再结合霓虹灯染色,呈现出一个灯红酒绿的视觉效果。Through the corridor later to the lobby area of the bar, the space was dyed blue by neon lights.The bar is divided into two areas, the hall area is fashionable and young, and the business atmosphere of the card seat area is great. In the space, we use a large number of fuzzy reflection decorative materials and sparkling effect combined with neon lights to present a bright visual effect.

the hall area of the world dyed blue by neon lights

商务卡座区采用蘑菇石和不锈钢等材料,结合洗墙灯和灯带,呈现出丰富的结构感。桌球娱乐区采用红色做跳跃颜色,吊灯采用动物图案,点睛桌球区的视觉效果。在这灯红酒绿的城市,晚上在纸醉金迷的酒场逢场作戏。回去的路上下起了雨,波光粼粼的水波映照着另一个迷离的自己。The business card seat area is made of mushroom stone, stainless steel and other materials, combined with wall lamp and light belt, showing a rich sense of structure. The billiards entertainment area adopts red as the jumping color, and the chandelier adopts the animal pattern to highlight the visual effect of the billiards area. In this bright city, in the evening in the paper intoxicated with the wine scene! On the way back, it rained, reflecting another confused self on the water wave.

▼商务卡座区,the business booth area

the billiards entertainment area

  • 空间名称:FAN迷离酒吧
  • 空间类型:餐饮空间设计酒吧餐厅清吧设计
  • 空间地址:湖南省长沙市星沙二区板仓路16、18号
  • 设计公司:广州大同作空间设计有限公司
  • 空间面积:420平方米
  • 空间主材:石皮、不锈钢板、肌理漆、金属网、涂料
  • 照明设计:文晟照明设计
  • 空间摄影:覃昭量



